About Me

- Tammy
- United States
- I despise the left wing liberal attempts to change America. I support FREEDOM, freedom of speech, right to bear arms, religious freedom and protecting the rights of Americans, including the unborn. Close the border, round up illegals and send them home. Welcome them back with a green card. I believe in preserving the visions of our founding fathers which did not include Socialism or Sharia Law. This IS STILL America.....at least for now.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Implications of an EMP Attack Against America
Our country and our freedom faces so many threats. They are coming at us from every direction. Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela...to name a few.
One of the greatest fears I have had since learning about it....is an EMP attack. Our country is TOTALLY not prepared for any such attack.
Since North Korea announced plans of a satellite launch in early April.....we have heard reports that it is not a satellite they are launching....but a test of a missile that could theoretically hit the United States of America. What if....just what if....that test is not a test...what if it is an actual EMP attack. Such an attack would not kill people in itself.....but it could and would bring our country to its knees....leaving us open to all kinds of attacks from every rogue and radical nation without power to defend ourselves.
The attack itself would not kill people....but it would set us back into the dark ages.....or at least the 1800's. Casualties would result from our total dependence on technology. Refrigeration for food, power for treating and distributing a safe water supply, transportation, medical care....just about everything as it would shut down ALL of our power grids.. It is estimated that within two weeks...people would start dying. We could lose 70 to 90% of our population.
There are some precautions people can take to prepare for such an attack.....and it makes sense to at least look into it.
One millisecond and horse and buggy will look high tech.
No more ipods, computers, cameras, radio, television, electricity, ATM's, safe drinking water, mini vans, sports cars or transportation as we know it today. Nothing, gone. Transportation of food to our local grocery stores would come to a halt. No military defense to retaliate....we would be sitting ducks.
Ok..so the power comes back on in a few years...or even a few MONTHS. All of the electronics mentioned above...guess what? They are fried. Totally useless.
More articles:
It's possible: Imagine no phone, no food, no fuel
MissileThreat :: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Weapons
Family Security Matters » Publications » Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack: A Preventable Homeland Security Catastrophe
REFUGE: Impact of EMP Attack Could Be Catastrophic
EMP attack: What to do
to prepare
How to survive a disaster. (5) - By David Shenk - Slate Magazine
Getting Prepared for an
Electromagnetic Pulse Attack
or Severe Solar Storm
Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse
"Faraday Box
To speed along your recovery time, you might keep some cheap electronic replacements stored at your home in a Faraday shielded box. “Faraday shielded,” is a fancy way of saying wrapped in metal, with an insulated core. To make a post-EMP attack electronics kit, simply place a cheap telephone, television, radio, and even a computer, in a cardboard box. Then wrap the cardboard box in aluminum foil. Voila, you are ready for Armageddon. The aluminum foil disperses the EMP field and the cardboard box insulates your electronics from the waves. You can also throw in your favorite video games, a prepaid cell phone, a fondue pot and any other electronic device you may want after an EMP attack. Those of you reliant on medical equipment, such as blood sugar monitors, may want to keep spare parts or units in a Faraday box."
Faraday Cages
There is a book out called One Second After. It is an excellent book which gives insight as to how an EMP attack would affect our country, our communities and our families. I found the book to be very enlightening and very frightening......it is a wonderful book to read, however.
One Second After
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A little bit different from my normal posts...The Teenage Audio Test

Created by Train Horns
I have four children ages 7, 6, 5 and 3. This works like a charm to get them out of my bedroom at night and into bed....lol. They cover their ears and scatter like cockroaches when the light is turned on.
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